Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Parents to Collect Children's DNA

Of all the things a parent can do to protect their child, this new home kit DNA collection package has to be the lamest. Could someone tell me just what having a little bag of their child's DNA will do to help protect them? Imagine if you will, your child has been abducted or worse murdered. Bang, you pull out the clear little bag of DNA and poof all is better again. Ridiculous! The best thing for all of us to do, as well our activist judges, is LOCK away the Criminals! If the criminals are locked away, no parent has to swab their child's cheek for DNA. Does this make sense to anyone? Why are child predators even allowed to inhabit our neighborhoods where kids play and live? This is just another "feel good" activity for parents, but the reality is that no DNA sample will save your child's life, it will only confirm their death.