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Sunday, July 17, 2005
IBM OS/2 to be Discontinued
By Years End, IBM has decided to finally throw in the towel on OS/2 officially. Many will claim that IBM threw in the towel over 10 years ago. OS/2 was the once flagship competition to Microsoft Operating Systems. It had superior multi-tasking, which was called pre-emptive. This Blogger had the pleasure and displeasure of testing and using OS/2 years ago. It was not all that bad, but had many issues with poor hardware drivers support, and very few available applications. I have always felt that IBM could have gained market had they taken a page from the Linux community, and released the source code. But IBM was more interested in short term profit instead of long term money in support and licensing!
Goto the OS/2 BBS site for Some great OS/2 info.
Goto the OS/2 BBS site for Some great OS/2 info.