They are showing anti-competitive practices in deciding to block specific web browsers from their Video Download service, namely Safari (Mac) and Firefox. The excuse is said to be that the 2 browsers do not support DRM (Digital Rights Management) software protection schemes. It would be far better to work on a solution, and announce to customers they are working the issue.
The second blunder is last week WalMart decided to bow to political pressure from Liberal Unions and special interest groups, and support mandatory State Run Health Care. Coming from a business that has been under fire from Liberal think tanks, I expected more from them, than a decision to side with their enemy. No doubt this deal with the devil is to keep the Union types off of WalMart's proverbial back.
Shame on WalMart for forgetting where they came from. They should worry more about providing the goods and services customers want and need, instead of jumping into the political arena with the very organizations who want to see it's demise.