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Sunday, April 15, 2007
My Take on Imus
If you are like me, you must think the media sure runs many things into the ground. Now that the Imus attack machine has completed its task, and he has been fired, seems the media helped in that one, I want to drop my small take on it. Imus said a deranged comment about a female basketball team, calling them "Nappy Headed Hoes". I don't care much for that statement, Imus or basketball. I don't really think I have any side at heart or vested interests in the issue. But I do have one MAJOR question. Where did Imus hear this remark to repeat it? It surely is not a normal "white" comment about any female. I have my doubts that he just came up with this on his own. So where did he hear it? I have been white for most of my life, and have NEVER heard a white person utter this statement. BUT I have heard these words stated by "hip" or hollywood savvy blacks, the above words spoken separately (Nappy and Hoes), if not all together. So who really is to blame for this statement? Should a man lose his job for a mistake? Were the words he uttered so blasphemous to warrant this barrage of attack in the media and by special interest groups? Why are Rap "artists" given a free pass anyway? They started this crap 15 years ago when they broke away from REAL Artists with positive messages like Run DMC and the Fat Boys, Kurtis Blow, and Eric B & Rakim. Now these were modern day urban Heros! I know, I used to listen to them in High School. They gave such a positive universal message, unlike the potty mouthed garbage todays rappers puke.

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