Now here is a picture worth posting! An American Hero. A man who dared to hang in with his team, take real abuses, not like rock music in Gitmo. An American Hero worth voting for! A man who endured torture, and understands our enemies, and understands we want reputable leaders! Make his pain worth it all, vote McCain. At least check out his website, it just makes sense!
What about Sarah Palin?
"I'm a Democrat, but I've worked as a consultant with the McCain campaign since shortly after Palin's nomination. Last week, there was the thought that as a former editor-in-chief of Ms. magazine as well as a feminist activist in my pre-journalism days, I might be helpful in contributing to a speech that Palin had long wanted to give on women's rights. What is often called her 'confidence' is actually a rarity in national politics: I saw a woman who knows exactly who she is." --Elaine Lafferty