Saturday, October 19, 2013

USAToday: Apple loses some of its magic touch with iOS 7

Seems that major media outlets may finally be seeing beyond the Apple distortion field, and calling IOS 7 out of the cloudy mist.  I stated in an earlier post how dreadful IOS 7 was on appearance alone.  Now USA Today notes the problems stacking up since it's release on September 18th of this year.
Draining batteries, dropping Wi-Fi and spotty Bluetooth connections are getting big boos across discussion boards at Apple's own support communities. Some apps are working poorly or slowly, the interface is harder to use for some people, and game players have also found faults.

Will Apple fix the pastel color from the 60's flashback, ala technicolor dreamcoat, that has washed through the corporation full of hippies?  We can only join hands, sing, and hope so.