Sunday, June 24, 2007

TV Ratings Down This Season

No wonder. I can turn on the BOOB Tube anytime, and find terrible comedies, lack luster movies, and comedic drizzle, the likes I am astounded appear on the large 4 networks, ABC, Fox, CBS, NBC. So just how bad are the ratings, 2.5 Million Viewers opted out of the habit of sitting mindless in front of the BOOB Tube.

I can say that I rarely watch TV besides a few shows, WWE Raw on Mondays (not high brow but usually fun), American Idol on Tuesday when in season, and Trucks on the weekend. I also record Motorweek on PBS. Thats all. I can not stand the violence, I can see that if I visit Baltimore, and I hate the murder shows, again Baltimore. I dislike having queer and lesbian shows thrown at me like I am some backwards hateful gay basher. I just want to see interesting TV, like Discovery Channel has, some comedy thats funny, less sex, and alot less violence.

If the networks don't do these things now, the shock value of rapes and murders on TV will no longer garner ratings spikes, and the great volume of TV viewers, sick of this garbage, will go elsewhere for entertainment, like watching grass grow or paint dry.

I say the Big 4 should start playing old TV shows, heck, they are cheap and funny. I would rather see some Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts, over the current junk on today anytime.