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Saturday, December 02, 2006
Time For a Mac
I have been getting swamped by Viruses for the last week, I received some 60 emails containing a virus. Not to worry though, I use a Mac full time. Seems that I have been impervious. Not only that, they seem just like junk mail, and I simply delete them. Being a Mac user has paid off significantly, even with the higher price paid for their premium hardware and software. If you are considering a new computer this year for the Holidays, I strongly urge you to get a Macintosh from Apple Computer. I have the iMac, and love it. So much so I can not believe it. Being a PC person from when the IBM PC powerhouse was the 8086 and 8088 processor running at 4.77 and 9 mhz in Turbo mode, really speaks volumes on how well they have done to ensure this iMac is well polished. I admit, there have been 3 small issues so far for me. But none have wiped out my data, made me catch a virus, or denied my connectivity.