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Monday, February 18, 2008
Save Windows XP Petition at InfoWorld
Windows XP is the operating system of choice for the majority of computer users out there. Indeed Mac OS X has taken some market share, as well as Microsoft's own Vista. But one sure fire way to force everyone to move to Vista is to make it mandatory. I have mixed feelings on this one. I would prefer to see Windows XP continue on. Mac OS X 10.4 was also forcibly closed and no longer available as a shipping option, in place 10.5 Leopard has been forced on us. I don't really see a difference between the two. Both XP and 10.4 were sound, reliable operating systems. But Vista and Leopard were the new alternative by their host companies. And both Vista and Leopard 10.5 had and still have some major problems. But Microsoft come under attack. Apple gets a free ride. I say if XP is allowed to continue, then we should push for 10.4 to be an option on new Mac Hardware. But that won't happen, and XP should be killed off, if Microsoft wants it to be killed off. They should instead fix Vista and customers would want it over XP, that that also won't happen. At least Apple has released 2 updates to Leopard since its release. Microsoft has issued one update. So what choice do we as consumers have? None.