Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Fred Reed: Ivy Blindness?

Fred Reed had this to say in a recent article, here is my response to him.

Fred, you recently said the Rich don't know much about how America works. I must submit that the normal middle class could not fathom how to interface with the rich! Why would this be important? Think that of the world leaders all are rich, even the "lower" class third world countries. But to interact with them, you must be one of them. Each class, upper. middle and lower or poorer... all have nuances about that class that each of the others are not aware of. Yes you easily attack the upper class, in an envious pitiful way. I love your columns but your liberal speak sometimes gets weary. Instead of attacking the upper class and make assumptions that all citizens know how to buy groceries at the automated checkouts, you need to consider that most Americans may not even know what they are. I myself have only used them 3-4 times, don't like them, but tolerate them. I would prefer a person with a job, speaking with me and interacting with me and my groceries.
I always appreciate your views of growing up, but your country life in no way represents the inner city turmoil or gang related ways of today. You miss the point, that each of us have different views and points of reference, and that is good! Very good. If we all shot rats at the local dump, we would have no leaders capable of representing the upper class or interfacing with dictators who have it all (at poor peoples expense). The upper class serves a HUGE purpose, one of prosperity, and providing jobs to those of us who would rather not have a business of our own. Most people work for someone else, in case you forgot this. Only a small amount of people, even in America, run their own company, though more today than 30 years ago. Thanks to the opportunities the rich provide, and the better standard of living here in America represents thanks to hard working Americans.
And just what is the deal with always bashing Bush? Give the guy a break please. He has had more turmoil and crap to deal with in 2 terms than many presidents even dream of in one. Not to mention the house cleaning forced on him by inept leaders of the past, Clinton, Carter, Kennedy, and yes... Bush 41... (Don't get me wrong each had good points too they just did a poor job with foreign affairs). Shame you don't write about the positive things going on in America, but I guess you may not see them down there in ole Mexico City.
The White House understands what it needs to, the House of Representatives is supposed to be more in tune with mainstream America, and they are not. The President just presides and executes the wishes of the people, as extolled by Congress, most of the time. Lets not turn the position into a Monarchy.