Wednesday, January 24, 2007

John Kerry - Great Coward of our Time!

Today John Kerry, who you might recall ran for President in 2004, bowed out of the 2008 Presidential race. I was stunned! I never liked the guy much, didn't vote for him, and probably wouldn't, ever! BUT I think he should have run. What better way to "Put and END to the WAR" then be the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces? Kerry did win 50% of the votes in the last election! My Question is... Who told him or asked him NOT to Run? This man can not be bribed (I hope) since his wife is a billionaire. I doubt he has had Clintonesque sexual escapades which need to be covered up. I just can not fathom just what he was offered to NOT run? Any ideas? We all know he has been one of the most verbal critics of the War, even though he voted for the war before he voted against it.

My only conclusion, if he was not bribed or asked to bow out by high power friends... He is a Coward! A total gutless turd. He held onto his 2004 campaign fund for the sole reason of running in 2008. It just doesn't add up to me. He claims this is NOT THE TIME to mount a Presidential campaign. Ok, when? Idiot! Coward! Give me your Millions in the Presidential Campaign Fund and I will run. But one thing I don't want to hear from the fool, is how he thinks it should all be done. If you don't want to step up and show us how it is done, then sit back down in your Senate seat, go back to sleep, and shut up!